Pavement Recycling Systems

Our Projects

PRS SD & PCC SD – Milling & Fabric Laydown

Friars Road, San Diego, CA

PRS and PCC had the opportunity to work together with a valued and longtime customer. PRS made short work of the milling side of the project on Friars Road under the 5 Freeway with his clean and well-maintained Wirtgen 210. Next, the PCC team went to work applying PG 64-10 hot oil and Trupave fabric setting up the general contractor for successful paving operations. As one company, PRS and PCC were able to provide professional services covering multiple aspects of the same job.

Hand-applied Slurry Seal

Wharf 1, Monterey, CA -PCC Sacramento

The City approached our Pavement Coatings Sacramento team with urgency to get this project complete before the quarantine measures were lifted in the City and the Wharf again filled with residents and tourists. From the time the City approached the team, to date of performance, the Team had five working days to pull this project together. The area where the work was to be performed was surrounded by water and small businesses/restaurants that were just beginning to open back up to the public. To make things even more challenging, the Wharf could not handle the weight of our RoadSaver Slurry Seal trucks, leading to this entire project being performed by handwork application. The crew worked together flawlessly to complete this project for the City of Monterey leaving behind a beautiful and long-lasting example of what Pavement Coatings Co. can do!


We're here and we are ready.